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Vision Australia’s LEAP (Learn, Engage, Act, Perform) program has returned for another year, and young people aged 14 to 18 living with blindness or low vision are encouraged to participate.

LEAP is intended to help young people develop and achieve goals regarding their personal and professional development. 2022 is the fourth year the program has run, and it is a highly individualised, inclusive program designed to support each participant exactly as required.

Ruby, 15, was a participant in the 2021 program, and she encourages anyone who is interested to get involved.

“It teaches you really good practical skills,” she said, “It’s a really supportive program.”

Within LEAP, participants will not only develop their skills in technology, job searching and networking, and engaging and connecting with others, but they will also gain an understanding of why these skills are relevant for their lives beyond school.

“I joined the program to get ready for the future,” Ruby explained, “I’ve gained a lot more confidence in my skills.”

Ruby is in Year 10, with plans to attend university after high school, and confidence in her skills isn’t the only thing she gained from participating in LEAP.

“I met a lot of new people from a lot of different places.”

Beyond professional and personal development, it also allows young people living with blindness and low vision to connect with their peers all over Australia. It is a 10-month program, from February to November, and applications for 2023 are now open.

Interested in LEAP? Find out more about LEAP 2023 and apply today!